Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 1 - This isn't going to be easy

I went to my first meeting today and got an idea of what I'm getting myself into. As I found out, there is no magic formula, no easy way out. This will be work....and I'm excited!! There is an unbelievable crew that includes a social worker, RN, 2 doctors, psychiatrist, and a kinesiologist. All of these people will be at our disposal for the entire 26 weeks and beyond.

We talked about goal setting today, and where you want to be. I've been thinking about this for a long time now and I jotted down what I want out of this. I want to play the father-son football game with Zack's team and see the pride in his eyes when he watches his Dad run around with all the other Dads. I want to go to a restaurant with my family with no anxiety that I will embarrass them by breaking a chair. I don't want accommodations made for me because everybody knows Russ can't walk that far.

I could easily say "I want to lose X pounds and be able to buy clothes from a normal store" - wow, a regular store for clothes; that would be awesome - but the things I just wrote down, and others, are what is driving me.

So, this is the start. We laughed a bit today - no crying yet, but those who know me, know it won't be far behind - and got an idea of what to look forward to. The first couple of weeks will be brutal, watching people eat but it will get easier. I'm told my body will have all the nourishment it needs, but my brain will have a strong desire to think it should be eating. They want us to start the process of portion control and not use this week as the opportunity to blast as much stuff as you can...well, so much for that plan. I guess it's small amounts of my favourite foods before next Tues - all in the name of not breaking a chair!!


1 comment:

  1. Go Russ Go! You've accepted that it's going to be tough...and you're still excited! Keep posting...we're reading and cheering for you!

