Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So, I've learned some valuable lessons this week, and a few were painful. I lost 6.6 lbs which is a little less than what I wanted. I've tried increasing my activity, but the major issue was that I didn't have all  my shakes. In my warped mind, I thought I could help myself, but what I did was make my body store most of what I was putting in. In other words, I f@#$ed up.

This is a regimented program and apparently I don't know as much as doctors and dietitians!!  Who knew? So we will chalk this up to my general dumb-assery and make a stronger, concerted effort to have the four shakes/day.

I also learned that I don't deal well with frustration and anger - most of you are shocked by this as it is obviously brand new information. So yesterday was a difficult day and my first reaction was to grab my keys and head out for something to eat. Off I went to grab some lunch at Costco - don`t judge me; the hotdog and fries there are pretty strong - and thankfully it is 15 minutes from my house.

Normally, the ride would only fuel my anger so by the time I get there I'm ready to eat the place out of food, but this time I tried a different approach. I relaxed myself and made a point of thinking through all my choices and decided to drive a little further. Eventually I ended up at a shopping centre and walked around a bit and felt pretty good because I upped the number on my pedometer.

Well, it's four weeks in and I'm down over 40 lbs and feeling pretty good about my choices. I think I've walked more in the last two weeks than I have in the last two years, and I have not compromised myself by having some food. There are some tough weekends coming around - Thanksgiving, seriously? - but I've got some plans for myself and turkey, gravy, ham, and mashed potatoes will have to wait.....what was I talking about?

Lastly, I've been asking for some recipes and so far you guys suck - notable exceptions to Mrs Kilby (great site, can't wait to try them out) and my Mom. She said to cut up some potatoes, mix them with egg whites and some seasoning and bake them in the oven. She says they taste just like fries, so I'll have to give it a whirl....not anytime soon, but you know what I mean.


  1. Great job, Russ. You should be crazy proud of yourself!

    This is my favourite snack...okay maybe not my *favourite* of all time, but my fave when I'm watching what I'm eating.

    1 cup fat free cottage cheese
    1/2 cup crushed pineapple
    handful of chopped up walnuts
    1/4 orange diced up

    Mix it all together and enjoy. Before this, I never even liked cottage cheese at all...the thought of it made me gag but now I love it. AND it's loaded with protein to keep you full for long-time-long-time.

    Good luck!

  2. Hey Russ,

    Your doing awesome. My breaking point was an obsession over a Sausage McMuffin, I just had to keep going on line and reminding myself that it has 28 grams of fat! If you have time go to chapters and pick up "I'm with Fatty" by Edward Ugel. It's a weight loss memoir by a guy. I know there are a ton of chick ones out there. It came out 2 weeks ago and was good and humorous. I'll try to sit and think of some food recipes that I've been eating. Angel food cake is my friend. We eat a lot of fish and the recipes I've been using the kids love it! Stay away from turkey breakfast sausage....it is evil and tastes nothing like it's fatty yummy brother pork! Keep up the good work!

    Regan (and Stef)

  3. Hi Russ,

    Just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you! I think what you are doing is amazing and I commend you for every step that you have taken. As soon as I find recipes that I think are worthy I will post them for you. Keep up the great work!!!!

